
Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 57: Williamstown

Today's Miles: 0.0
Total Miles: 596.6

So I decided to take a zero today. I realized the last one I had taken was in Glencliff, New Hampshire, and I feel like my body was very overdue for one. The not feeling well combined with the heat rash all over my back and hips from my pack and the wisdom teeth trying to viciously make its way through my gums   has lead me to believe I probably use some rest. It was an overall relaxing day. I walked a few miles to the downtown area, which seemed to be like a miniature Hanover. This too is a college town, so there were some things that were very similar. I had to go to the post office, and my feet really needed to move so it gave me a reason to explore a little. Not walking all day just allows my feet to stiffen up and makes whatever steps I need to make that much more difficult. I stopped at the co-op across the street for a late lunch, and spent the rest of the day relaxing outside or in my room. I'll resupply tomorrow on my way out of town before heading back to the trail. 


A fully stocked toiletry basket is always a beautiful site. 

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