
Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 56: Congdon Shelter to Williamstown

Today's Miles: 14.1
Total Miles: 596.6

I was surprised when I woke up to see that no one else had been by the shelter after I got in. Oh well. I had two motivators today - crossing into Massachusetts and a Friendly's less than a mile off the trail. 14 miles? Not a problem when there are waffle fries and ice cream to look forward to. 

It was an obnoxious start to the day with spider web destruction being a large part of it. I can't describe it in any other term that fits better than just maddening. It drives me crazy to feel webs all over me but not actually being able to see anything on me. A sigh of relief was necessary when I passed the first NOBO, but as usual, it didn't last for long. 

I passed around a few ponds early this morning where I could see perfect reflections of the trees and sky. They were still so quiet and undisturbed with a morning mist still laying over them. When I came to a powerline, I laid out on a  rock in the sun, just enjoying the mountains I could see in the clearing. I stopped for lunch at a stream, but as I was about to finish I realized a dark cloud had appeared just overhead. There were blue skies all around except for right above me. And it started to rain. I had the option of going back the half mile to the shelter or just moving on, but I decided to keep going. The rain lasted 30 minutes or so, just long enough to ensure I was drenched. After it stopped, a man walked by with his dog who then proceeded to shake all the rain water he had collected onto me. Thanks, pup... 

I had one final hill climb before I was able to see the sign marking the state line. I had finally made it to Massachusetts. I looked around and realized it didn't even rain here! I guess it was just Vermont crying because it knew I was leaving it. A lot of people on the trail had some weird love affair with Vermont. I wasn't all that impressed. It was beautiful, but it all just passed in giant green blur with a few blackberries thrown in. I was certainly ready to move on. 

The start of the trail in Massachusetts wasn't too bad. I think I might even like this state (it's almost an unwritten law for a New Hampshire native to hate Mass with everything they have, minus Boston, so this is a big deal!) There was one point that presented a giant boulder field, but it was short. I had a small road walk before crossing a bridge and reaching Route 2 leading into North Adams and Williamstown. I headed to the Friendly's in North Adams, my first priority. The server sat me in the very back corner of the restaurant away from everyone. He then threw in a "You're right next to an outlet," as if this was justification. It's ok, I understand I smell like a bag of butt. You don't need to sugarcoat it. I enjoyed my lunch and contemplated heading back to the trail. I made the decision to head to the Williamstown Motel for the night, and I don't regret it. I was able to shower and they provided laundry services, so now all I have left is resupply. I still feel like I'm dragging a little and certainly not 100% so a zero day may be in order. We'll see how things go tomorrow. 

I loved this section. I felt like I was walking through an apple orchard. 

Boulder field

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