
Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 58: Williamstown to Mark Noepel Shelter

Today's Miles: 9.6
Total Miles: 606.2

I didn't fall asleep until late last night, so I knew my intentions of waking up early were not going to followed through with. I went to the continental breakfast at the hotel, where I talked to the man who's helping his daughter-in-law run it for the next few months. They are from India, and he was so proud of his children's success in school and at work. They were just very friendly and receptive to the needs of the guests. There was a hiker that came in and was very adamant about getting a ride back to the trailhead which was about a mile and a half away. He was very upset when they said they couldn't do it, which I always think is ironic. People can hike 15 miles a day but won't walk that extra little bit to get somewhere. They were eventually able to work something out and he made his way back to the trail. I went to my room to start packing everything up. 

I was able to get a ride to Stop and Shop, where I would then continue on to trail. I did a quick resupply and scarfed down lunch before moving on. As I walked to the intersection where the trail crossed, I passed a couple out section hiking. They offered me a ride to the trailhead, but it was only the next block down. They didn't know it was so close, but I really appreciated the offer. I stopped to talk with them a few minutes before continuing on. When I turned onto the trail I saw Milkrun and Matt, two other SOBOs crossing the road. I waved and let them pass. It was good to see other SOBOs for once. 

From here, I had a long 6 miles to the top of Greylock. The majority of it was a steep uphill, and I was soon drenched in sweat from hiking in the midday sun. I stopped at the top of Mount Prospect for another lunch break before continuing on. There were a few day hikers out that were led by a park ranger. They offer programs for people in the area to see different sections of the park. I continued on to climb Mount Williams and then Mount Greylock, the tallest mountain in Massachusetts. As I reached the summit, I passed a couple who were in the parking lot that were very interested in the hike. They were very friendly, and I stayed to talk to them for a few minutes. Similar to Mount Washington, Mount Greylock is also accessible by car. It wasn't as busy as Washington, but there was a wedding happening at the top that was a little strange to see. I sat at the top with Milkrun, Matt, and HJ for a little while before moving on. They were talking to a few day hikers who offered me a granola bar. Thanks, hikers! I decided to stop at the lodge for a soda, which was probably the most expensive can of root beer in my life. It was great though, even for $2.25! I hiked with HJ to the next shelter about 3.5 miles away, and we made it just before dark. I threw up my tent and made a late dinner. At this point it was already 8:00. It's great to be in SOBO company again, but now I'm off to bed, hoping the rain holds off tonight. 

Mount Prospect

Mount Williams

600 miles!

Mount Greylock

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