
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 15: Pleasant Pond Lean-to to West Carry Pond Lean-to

Today's Miles: 19.7
Total Miles: 165.2

Almost 20 miles today. Holy cow, Batman. And it actually almost felt good (just don't ask my feet how they feel about it). I started off around 7:00 and caught up to to Queen and .Com who had left a few minutes before. Grub caught up soon after, and we all stayed together for the most part until Caratunk. It was good company, and we were able to put in some quick miles. We made it to Caratunk just after 9:00. I was going to stop at the general store to grab something a little more substantial for lunch, but we were told by a shuttle driver for the Northern Outdoors that the store doesn't exist. I'm still not sure about this because another hiker who stayed there last night said there was a store there. I guess I'll never know the truth. Grub and I decided to head to the ferry at the Kennebec and continue on. Queen and .Com walked with us down to the river but stayed in Caratunk waiting for a resupply. There is a canoe that is the official AT crossing of the Kennebec River. Because of a plant upstream that does unannounced water releases, it can be too dangerous to ford. There are bulletins all along the trail warning people not to attempt the ford. I continued hiking on and stopped for a quick break beside a nice waterfall and stream. The next stop was at Pierce Pond Lean-to for lunch. I think today was the first official "10 miles before lunch" day. Ziploc, Grub and MDot were there. I was the last one to head back out on the trail. I didn't know where I wanted to stay tonight. I planned on stealth camping, but there weren't a lot of great water sources. All of the stream beds are drying up, and I miss all the springs and streams of a few weeks ago. Having to drink pond water isn't my favorite thing. I passed Grub and Ziploc at East Carry Beach, but I decided to keep pushing on. I ended up just making it to the next lean-to after all, ending it as my longest day so far. I had some miles to make up from my last 2 slacker days. There were a lot of people here I've met the last few days and some new faces as well. The best part of making it there was realizing someone had just dropped off a whole bunch of food. They were friends of Lady Gray, a NOBO staying here tonight. It was already past 7:00, so I really wasn't feeling making dinner anyway. It couldn't have been more perfect. Pasta salad, salad, cupcakes, and cookies. Yum! Thanks Mary Ellen! I also have to add that it's nice the trail isn't feeling as lonely now. I've met a lot of new people, even though I do still miss the old group! It's already past 9:00, and I'm usually in bed an hour ago out here. Some people arrived at camp a little late, so I'm hoping they won't be up too much longer. 

Kennebec River

The official AT white blaze

Pierce Pond. Rest in peace, Parkside. 

Best footbridge so far

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