
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 16: West Carry Pond Lean-to to Safford Notch Campsite

Today's Miles: 12.6
Total Miles: 177.8

Today started off well - good company at the lean-to and learning some tricks of the trade from the experienced NOBOs and flip-floppers. It was a nice easy first few miles. I was so so happy to see some running water and stopped at the first brook I came across to fill up. I saw a lot of the other hikers throughout the morning, which sometimes helps to pass the miles. I got lost for a little while today at a road crossing. It was incredibly aggravating because it was already hot, I hate crossing roads, and the book was completely inaccurate. I use the AWOL Southbound guide, and since the book was really written more so for NOBOs, sometimes parts are incorrect. The SOBO is just a backwards version, so when the book says the trail is east, it means I should have gone west to find the trail because it would have been east for a NOBO. Make sense? Probably not. When I got to the lean-to to stop for lunch Uno and Live Simply were leaving, and MDot, Woody and Choo Choo were there for a little while longer. Pastor John was there shortly after, and Peter was there when I came back from getting water. Busy day for SOBOs on the trail! I was hesitant to continue on because I knew there was a big climb up Little Bigelow right after. It was long and hot, and I wasn't feeling too well after lunch. My feet were also pretty unhappy at this point in the day too. I stopped at the top for about an hour long break to make phone calls, and I felt so much better when I got started again. The next 4 miles or so went quick, and I was glad to make camp at a still reasonable time. Live Simply started a fire, and the whole group just sat around and talked. It's the little moments like this that make you forget all the things that made you angry during the day. 

Avery Peak, the climb we'll be starting off with tomorrow

Neat trail passage through rocks 

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