
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 14: Bald Mountain Brook Lean-to to Pleasant Pond Lean-to

Today's Miles: 9.0
Total Miles: 145.5

If there is one lesson I learned today, it is the value of the saying "Camel up." Today couldn't have started off more beautiful. It was another short day, so I slept in until about 7:00. I slept terrible all night, so I felt it was justified. The day started off nice and level. I had to navigate a few muddy parts and a fairly wide stream that I was able to rock hop over. There was a nice pond along the way, and some blueberries along an opening where the powerlines were. It was still a little weird to see some signs of civilization since there was really nothing throughout the entire 100 Mile Wilderness. I could have just pitched my tent there and spent the day eating wild blueberries. I would later realize that may have been a better idea. There was almost a 5 mile climb to the top of Pleasant Pond Mountain, and not a drop of water for the next 6 miles. I started off with over 2 liters, thinking this would be enough to get me through. I was definitely wrong. I ran out just before the top of the mountain, and if the climb wasn't bad enough, this made it so much worse. The false summits everywhere just made it that much more annoying. I scarfed down some lunch, called home, and headed down as quickly as I could. It was also an incredibly hot day, so it was almost unbearable to stay on top any longer. I still had a little over a mile to go after the summit before I reached a stream. I seriously contemplated licking the water off the rocks that had gathered in drops around the moss, but I thought that might be too extreme and equally unfulfilling. At the first sighting of a stream, I threw my pack down, grabbed my water bottle and filled it up quick. I chugged it down in record breaking time. "Cameling up" simply means drinking as much water as you can at the source before you finish refilling and head off again. Although this would have been incredibly valuable, I still would have probably run out of water. I talked to about 3 others that had the same problem. I continued the short rest of the way to the lean-to after refilling. I pitched my tent to stake my claim since it was early, and I had a feeling it would fill up quickly. I don't regret that decision at all. There's a group of 10 girls here as part of some summer camp. One NOBO moved on because he couldn't find an area to tent. 

I do have to say the day ended just as well, if not better, than it began. There is an incredible pond here with a nice sandy bottom that I was able to take a nice swim and clean off my clothes in. I stayed there for about 2 hours, just sitting on the dock and talking to other thru hikers that came by. I met MDot, and we talked for a little while before I left to start dinner. I feel about as refreshed and clean as a hiker can be right about now.  

Wild blueberries 

The view from Pleasant Pond Mountain

Sandy pond bottom. I never thought a pond could be so nice. 

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