
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 13: Bald Mountain Stream to Bald Mountain Brook Lean-to

Today's Miles: 6.1
Total Miles: 136.5

I decided last night that I was going to do a short day up and over Moxie Bald today with the hopes of giving my feet a chance to rest and get used to being on the trail again. I slept in late, sat by the water for a little while, and didn't start hiking until about 11:00. It was nice to take my time knowing I would only be going 6 miles. My first night stealth camping was great. I slept like a rock and woke up feeling very well rested. I hiked a few miles to the Moxie Bald Lean-to and stopped for lunch. It was a beautiful place to take a break, right on the edge of an incredible pond. I was a little tempted to jump in the water, but decided to push on. The climb up Moxie Bald wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. I stopped for about an hour at the top and called home. The view was incredible, and it helped reenforce why I'm out here. There were some blueberry bushes, but no ripe blueberries. I've heard that we'll be coming across some tomorrow though! I'm pretty excited about that. When I got to the lean-to tonight, there were already quite a few people here. I found a small place to squeeze my tent in near some other SOBOs. It's nice to be around people again. I'm definitely seeing a lot more NOBOs as I go on. I'm set up right beside a brook, which will be my real life sound machine tonight. It doesn't get much better than that. 

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