
Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 80: Palmerton to Bake Oven Knob Shelter

Today's Miles: 8.0
Total Miles: 940.3

I struggled to get up this morning. I could still feel the dull ache in my head from yesterday's headache. I took my time getting ready and went to get Chinese food for lunch. I walked the short ways to the grocery store, bought a gallon of water, and got a free apple for being a hiker. That was a nice surprise. I headed back to the trailhead in the late afternoon to get a few miles in. 

There wasn't much excitement today. I crossed a bridge spanning the Lehigh River and had a small ascent out of town. It was a day of mostly flat trail and small rocks, what I'm beginning to believe most of Pennsylvania will be like. The shelter I'm staying at is pretty gross. There's trash everywhere and a few stink bugs hanging around. I put my tent up in the shelter to provide a barrier between them since I'm doubting anyone else will show up tonight. The water here is dry too, but thankfully I still have enough from town. 

Lehigh River

I'm glad there's such distinction between the two...

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