
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 74: Vernon to Murray Property

Today's Miles: 13.5
Total Miles: 846.8

I was so tempted to zero today since I had a lot of things to take care of and my knee wasn't feeling any better. I resisted though, and got most of what I needed to done by the time Chaco and Doc got back from attending the church service. Doc got us some doughnuts for breakfast and we headed out for the trail pretty late in the morning. It took us a little while to get a hitch out, but a man with a pickup finally pulled over and gave us a ride. 

The day started with a series of long boardwalks. It was nice and flat and a good start to the day. Doc went ahead since he planned on stopping in Unionville while Chaco and I hiked together up Pochuck Mountain. Just after a road crossing, we came across Taxi, a SOBO I hadn't seen since the Whites, and we stopped to chat by a cooler of trail magic sodas. He continued on, as did we shortly after. We walked around the Walkill Reserve, where Doc managed to confuse us terribly with arrows he tried to draw pointing us in the right direction. We finally figured out where we were despite the concern of being completely lost. The rest of the day consisted of some short road walking and some small hills before reaching the Murray Property. It was a short day, but I was tired and ready to stop, and my knee was still in a great deal of pain.

The Murray Property is beautiful. Mr. Murray allows hikers to stay in the cabin on his land, where he also has a privy and shower. He stopped in to talk for a few minutes and was very nice. Taxi decided to stay here as well, so it will be the four of us here tonight. They're all playing cards right now, and it's great to be back around people. I realized yesterday that it's been so long since I've talked to people for extended periods of time that I had almost lost my voice by the end of the day. It really had been a while. 

In the back of the pickup

Murray Property

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