
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 64: Sage's Ravine Campsite to Salisbury

Today's Miles: 7.1
Total Miles: 689.9

First off, I have to wish my husband a very happy birthday! There is nothing I want more than to be home with him right now, making a cake and celebrating his special day. 

Today was an unexpected short day. I was woken up early by the rain, so I ran outside and grabbed my clothes that were hanging up. I dreaded getting up again and lazed around for a while. I finally packed up and called home to wish the hubby a happy birthday before heading out. 

I was greeted by the first climb up Bear Mountain today. I'm glad I didn't attempt this last night. It was a pretty tricky rock scramble, and it was wet so it made it a little more difficult. It was short though, and it wasn't long before I was at the top. There was a beautiful view, but I had a hard time enjoying it. I was in a weird mood I just couldn't shake. I'm guessing it's just homesickness and wishing I could be back with Payce and Dexter today. I headed down to the first shelter where I stopped for a break. I didn't feel better until a little after when I passed a group of day hikers. Maybe it was because they provided some distraction or I felt better after eating something. Either way, I had enough positive attitude to make it the rest of the way to town. 

The rest of the day was mostly downhill. Connecticut doesn't allow camping outside of camping areas, and they definitely provide enough campsites to make this possible. I think I passed 3 in less than 2 miles. When I got to the first road I had to walk past a cemetery. The guidebook showed water inside of it, which I found to be one of the weirdest things so far. Why anyone would want to drink water from a cemetery is beyond me. 

My original plan was to go into town to resupply and head back out. Unfortunately, the batteries in my Steripen had died and none of the places in town sold the right ones. I decided to stay with Maria McCabe, an Italian woman in her 80's that allows hikers to stay. She brought me to the laundromat and even drove me to a CVS in New York (really only 4 miles down the road) so I could find the batteries I needed. She told me if they didn't have them I was walking home, so I was happy to be able to find them there. I enjoyed being able to spend time talking to her and her friend, Leslie, who is visiting for a few days. Leslie also gave me a bar of chocolate, so thank you for that! Being in town meant I had enough service to call home again, which was nice. It's also supposed to drop down into the 30's tonight, so I'm secretly happy to be inside. I'm not ready for the cold yet. 

When I went to fill up at the spring, about 6 frogs jumped into the water. I decided to pass on that area...

Rock scramble

Bear Mountain monument

Open-air privy

Just a little guy!

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