
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 48: The Lookout Cabin to Sherburne Pass, Killington

Today's Miles: 15.4
Total Miles: 486.4

As I laid there in the cabin last night, I was awoken by the luminescence of the full moon streaming through the window. It would have been a great night for hiking had it called for it - perfectly clear and incredibly bright. I kept waking periodically, afraid I would miss the sunrise. I had to keep checking my watch because it was too light outside to tell what time it really was. I had a dream that I missed the sunrise, which finally stirred me from my slumber. I headed straight to the roof, which wasn't the best idea. It's difficult to climb a ladder when my feet haven't woken up yet. I made it just minutes before the bright pink orb started to make its appearance over a distant mountain. There was only one other person that made it up for it, and I was a little saddened all the other hikers didn't get to experience it. It was really incredible, and I was glad I was there to witness it. I stayed up top for about half an hour before heading back down and gathering my things. 

I was too distracted by the vast amount of spiderwebs I was charged with clearing with my face and arms across the trail to really pay much attention to the trail itself. There were a few hills, but nothing too difficult. I was thankful to see the first NOBO on the trail, which I later discovered was Whirled Peas, someone that Hobo said I would be coming across today. Her husband is in the military too, so we talked for a few minutes before continuing on. I've met a lot of great NOBOs, and it's unfortunate that I won't see them again along the trail. 

It didn't take long for the little ninja spiders to reconstruct their webs across the trail, and I soon found myself walking into a few more. Sometimes it is just a never ending battle. I stopped at the Stony Brook Shelter for lunch after filling on water since it wasn't far off the trail. I had a climb to Quimby Mountain after, which turned out to be terrible - not the trail condition, just my condition I suppose. It had warmed up a great deal since I had stopped for lunch. It was only expected to be 85 degrees, but this is a pretty significant change from the 60 degree weather I experienced in New Hampshire. I also ate cheese and crackers for lunch. Cheese plus hot weather plus hiking up a mountain equals a bad idea! I was chugging down water like crazy and quickly realized I was almost out. When I reached the top, I just sat for a minute and waited for everything to cool down. I asked a NOBO if there was water ahead because the book didn't list any until town. She said there would be some, and I was relieved. She had faced a similar situation coming up the other side. I continued on and came across some leftover trail magic by the River Road crossing. Someone had left some honeybuns and oatmeal creme pies. I helped myself to a honeybun before crossing and started talking to a section hiker slackpacking for the day named Nana. She and her husband have been section hiking for 13 years. We talked for a few minutes before I continued on. She was waiting at the road for her husband to pick her up. I reached the Thundering Falls area and was able to navigate my way down to a point where I could fill my water. It was a little tricky and slippery, but it was really my only option for the next 4 miles or so. The majority of the remainder of the hike to town was easy terrain. It was a small gradual uphill, but it followed around Kent Pond and into Gifford Woods State Park. There was a part of the trail that was an amazing blanket of fallen pine needles, nary a rock or root in site. It was a beautiful site, and my feet couldn't have been any happier at that moment. It was short lived however, as the last remaining mile or so was a steep uphill climb. I made it to where the trail split for Sherburne Pass and breathed a sigh of relief. I had to take this half mile side trail to the Inn, and I would be done for the day. Too bad the pass was terrible! It was so rocky, downhill, and a terrible way to end the day. I couldn't wait to be at the bottom. I finally made it to the Inn at Long Trail, got into my room, and took the longest shower. I went to the pub downstairs for dinner, where the server presented me with the "hiker menu." It listed all these delicious options - ramen, rice sides, mashed potatoes, snickers, pop tarts...very funny. I needed REAL food. He gave me the real menu so I could get something that wasn't trail food. I scarfed it down and had some apple crisp for dessert. I was sufficiently stuffed and could hardly move after. I made it upstairs, typed this, and am so ready to sleep in a real bed. I've been being woken up by pains in my feet and ankles at night, so hopefully it will be much better tonight. 


Clouds covering the valleys

Fat caterpillar

A real ladder? Thanks to whoever brought this beauty!

More trail magic!

Wildflowers and mountains

Kent Pond

Almost there?

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