
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 44: Bill Ackerly's to Tigger's Treehouse

Today's Miles: 11.7
Total Miles: 436.3

There is nothing quite like a late start to make the rest of the day seem completely off. I was really hoping my tent would have dried out this morning before I had to pack it up, but I waited until 11:00 and it was still wet. It looks like I'll be unpacking another soggy tent tomorrow. Since I was getting such a late start, I called Tigger's Treehouse, a trail angel that takes in hikers in Etna that was recommended by some NOBOs at Bill's. She's in the guidebook as well, so I figured it's a safe bet, and I can get most of the town chores done before I head into Hanover tomorrow. I let Karen know that I was coming tonight so I could have a spot saved for me. 

I started with the climb leading up to Holts Ledge. It was a fairly quick ascent to the top with some nice views over the cliffs. The next climb over Moose Mountain drained every last ounce of energy I had. I was definitely struggling, and I'm not sure if it was just because it was later in the day. A climb like that shouldn't have been that hard. There were some steep areas with some weird switchbacks going around to the top, but overall it should have been easy. The remainder of the day was nice and level. Towards the end of it I had to walk through an open field and was greeted by the sight of wild blackberries lining the trail. Even though I was already pretty late, I just had to stop and pick some. They were amazing! I continued on the short distance left to the road, headed to the cemetery nearby (which is apparently the only place with service), and called Karen for a ride. She said they had been very worried because they thought I should have been in earlier. It was already 6:00 at that point. I just told her I was slow, and I guess she understands since she's a slow hiker too, she says. She had to stop at the store, so I grabbed a sandwich for dinner to avoid the hassle of cooking. We got back and she showed me all around the hiker amenities. I'm staying in an RV tonight called "The Tank." They have a few dogs here, but one is a little tan long-haired mini dachshund named Sam who reminds me of my little Dexter so much. I did all the necessities - started laundry, showered, ate ice cream...This is pretty much becoming the town norm. I'm all snuggled up in my sleeping bag in the camper, watching Dumbo, and thinking about how grateful I am to incredible people like the ones here tonight. They really make the trail experience so much more special. 

Holts Ledge

Risk on birch bark

Sun setting through the trees 


Paradise for the night

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