Today's Miles: 10.3
Total Miles: 373.1
The thunder was clapping overhead and the lightning lit up my tent in the early morning hours. I tried to force myself to go back to sleep, hoping that I wouldn't end up struck by lightning on the open tent platform. It was around 4:00. I intended on getting up early so I could head into town and meet Jamie for dinner, who would be coming up to visit. I slept fitfully, waiting for the remainder of the storm to pass, only to be startled awake by something running over the corner of my tent and pulling up a stake. I was trying to convince myself that maybe someone's dog was just running around and happened to run right by me. I was too afraid to get out and see what it was. After a few minutes had passed, I started gathering my things and packing up. When I headed to the bear box to get my food, I saw Icepack sitting at the shelter. I called over to him, and he started to head over, surprised to see me there. "Did you see the bear this morning?" was the first question I was asked. So that's what woke me up this morning!? It was a bear plowing by me after being chased around the campsite by the caretaker with an ax. He had been causing trouble, flipping over the bear box in search of food. Apparently he had been making his rounds around other sites as well. He ran less than a foot away from my head. Any closer and I could have been trampled. I walked down to the water so I could have breakfast, just shaking my head at all the happenings already. It was too early for all of this. To top it off, it was still raining too. I finished eating and started off for the day. I had to start with a climb up Mount Garfield, back down about 400 feet and up to Mount Lafayette at almost 5300 feet. About an hour into the hike, it started to pour. Of course, because why wouldn't a black cloud be following me? The entire trail became either a stream or a puddle, and it became senseless to attempt avoiding it. This continued on for the rest of the day. I started the climb up Mount Lafayette and was quickly above treeline. I realized soon after that this was the worst decision I could have made. The wind gusts were incredible, there was no where to go if a thunderstorm moved in, and the rain turned into hail. Every time I thought I had reached the summit, I could see another dark taller outline looming in the distance. There was absolutely no visibility, so if it wasn't right in front of me I couldn't see it. I was elated when I saw the sign where the trail split, knowing that I was at least at the top at that point. I still had the entire Franconia Ridge to go, however. The wind was gusting so hard that I lost my balance a few times and had to crouch behind rocks to shield myself. This would also be the day the trail decided to go over each and every summit, unlike the last few days. I had Mount Lincoln, Little Haystack and a few other small climbs in between. I kept looking to the left and right in case I needed to find an escape to the trees down below. It was about 4 miles being above treeline and along the ridge, and when I could see trees start to appear in front of me I was ecstatic. At least it would be pretty much all downhill from there. The rest of the day passed in a blur. I passed some NOBOs who gave me the information on how to get into town. I thanked them and continued on. When I got to the trailhead, I still had a mile to go to get to the parking lot where I could be picked up. It was a little upsetting to hear, but at that point what's another mile? I decided to go to the Flume Visitor Center so I would at least be inside and sheltered from the rain. I called every hotel in North Woodstock and Franconia Notch. Everything was booked. I finally found a room at the Gale River Motel, which was a little out of the way, but the owner picked me up. It was definitely worth it. He felt bad about the day I had, and even gave me a discount. I took the longest shower as soon as I got in and hung up my tent and sleeping bag to dry since everything was pretty well drenched. I waited for Jamie and her family to arrive, and it was nice to be able to just lay on a bed and relax. We ended up going to Applebee's in Littleton, the next town over, and it was nice to have vegetables! It was great to be able to see a friend and definitely gave me something to look forward to on such an interesting and long day. Thank you so much for coming to visit and treating me to dinner! I think I'll be sleeping well tonight, that's for sure.
Where there once was a trail |
Again, the trail became a waterfall |
Taking the day one cairn at a time |
This is about how incredible my visibility was today! |
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