
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 35: Lakes of the Clouds Hut to Ethan Pond Campsite

Today's Miles: 14.1
Total Miles: 348.3

I didn't wait for breakfast at the hut this morning so I could get an earlier start on the day. I ate my oatmeal and headed out on the beautiful stretch of trail that lay ahead. I was enjoying the unspoiled beauty, listening to the birds sing as I continued along. My energy level diminished quickly, so I found a rock to lay on by Mount Eisenhower and mixed up some Crystal Light Energy. I enjoyed the sun while I waited for the caffeine to kick in and continued on. Maybe I should take up coffee drinking. I walked around Mounts Monroe and Eisenhower and up Mount Jackson, stopping for a quick break at Mitzpah Hut. On the top of Mount Jackson, I decided to have lunch, again admiring the incredible views. I'm going to miss moments like this further south. There was a section that followed along Webster Cliffs with beautiful openings all along the way looking into Crawford Notch. I made some phone calls while I stopped for a break but had to keep pushing on with so many miles left. I finally made it into the notch, which was probably the nicest descent I've had into one.There were some steep descents in some areas, but they were short and followed by some nicer trail sections. I crossed the Saco River, which offered some very tempting stealth sites, but continued on across the road. There was a short section of trail that followed the road, and I find it amazing how difficult it feels to walk on a road after being on dirt and rocks all day. I made it the last 3 miles in about an hour and a half, and I always think that if I could move that fast all day it would make the days so much shorter. I set up my tent and talked to the caretaker at the site for a little while. She was very friendly, and it's always interesting to hear what brings them out here. She was studying sustainable living and was interested in water conservation. She said there was a beautiful sunset down by the pond, so I rushed to set up and cook dinner so I could see it. It was pretty amazing. For some reason, all day I was thinking I only had to go 12 miles to the campsite, but now that I've done the math it turned out be 14. Oops! I guess now I don't feel so bad about being so slow today. Now it's off to bed so I can prepare for another great day out here. 

You can't be upset when this is how the day starts off. 

Looking back from Mount Jackson

Mount Washington swallowed by a cloud

Webster Cliffs

Looking at where I just was from the bottom always amazes me. 

Sunset at Ethan Pond

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