
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 31: Gorham to Rattle River Shelter

Today's Miles: 1.9
Total Miles: 300.2

Maybe I should have just stayed in town today, huh? BUT I did hit the 300 mile mark, so I guess it wasn't for naught. And I saved a few dollars, so that is bueno as well. I did intend to put in 8 miles today, but by the time I left it was already 1:00. The day started off with a great homemade breakfast consisting of an egg casserole, oatmeal, muffins, and hash browns. I then had to wait for a shuttle to town so I could mail my broken shoes back home, and I wasn't exactly moving with a purpose when it came to getting the rest of my stuff ready. The first part of the trail was beautiful again today - a nice gradual incline that followed the river for a portion of it. I got to this shelter in just over half an hour, but it looked like the clouds were moving in at that point. I decided to stay put, afraid of trying to make it over the mountain in a thunderstorm. It only ended up sprinkling a little bit here, but I'm still pretty sure it would have poured had I decided to continue on. There's a group of NOBOs staying here, but most of the SOBOs were staying at the lodge for another night. It's not too bad here. The Rattle River runs right by the shelter and would have been a great place for a swim had it been warmer. Grandpa, a NOBO from Massachusetts has been the fire keeper for the night. After talking to him for a little bit, I had to ask where he was from. I knew it was New England somewhere. He's like so many of the people that I met growing up there. I think I'll be calling it an early night. I'm still pretty exhausted even though I slept amazing at the lodge last night. 

Rattle River

300 miles!

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