
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 28: Bull Branch Campsite to Carlo Col Shelter

Today's Miles: 7.1
Total Miles: 281.3

Mahoosuc Notch. I had been dreading this day for weeks. Dr. Evil and I were on the trail by 6:30, ready to tackle the challenge that lie ahead. And honestly, it wasn't all that bad. This 1.2 mile section of boulders is often referred to as the hardest mile on the entire trail. Some look at it as the most fun. It was a challenge and took just under 2 hours to complete. I only had to take my pack off once so I could lift myself up on a tall boulder. I managed to squeeze if through and wiggle my way through all of the tight crevices and crawl spaces, which surprised me. There was a point near the end where ice could be seen underneath the rocks, hiding from the sun. It was a mile of climbing, crawling, jumping, and careful stepping. Each move had to be well calculated as it was fairly technical boulder scrambling, and a wrong move would lead to a pretty good fall in some areas. The area was predominantly flat, and I feel that made it much more manageable. Had it been an uphill climb, it would have been another story. I was certainly spent after it was complete since I used muscles that I haven't in a while, and I'm glad I only planned a short day for the remainder of it. We had a few mountains after the Notch - Fulling Mill, Goose Eye, and Mount Carlo. I thought some parts going up and down Goose Eye were honestly more difficult than the Notch, but maybe being tired at that point had some influence on that. The views today were incredible, and that always makes for a great day. Some parts of the mountaintops were covered in meadows, and I was just able to follow a bog bridge along the trail with beautiful open views all around. There were mountains as far as I could see on all sides. Incredible. I enjoyed my lunch on Goose Eye and continued on to the shelter. I was so amazed by today, I wasn't even upset there was still another climb up Mount Carlo. I met Dr. Evil at the top with Bird Nut, a man who has amazingly completed a Continental Divide, 2 Pacific Crest Trail, and 2 Appalachian Trail hikes. Simply astonishing. The shelter was a short hike down, and it was nice and early when we got in. It was probably the earliest day I've had so far. It was nice to be able to relax. I'll be doing 2 more short days to Gorham so I won't have to take a zero there. Dr. Evil planned on hiking 12 miles today and 12 into Gorham, but I somehow convinced him otherwise. I find it a little ironic since I'm usually the one pushing people to head into town, not stay out of it. I'll be in New Hampshire in a half mile tomorrow, and I can't wait for my first state line! 

In the notch. So many rocks. 

Tight squeeze

Careful navigation was key

Ice in July!

A little crawl-through

Made it through!

Mountaintop meadows and bogs

Tough climb

Found this poor little baby bird next to the trail. I think he fell from his nest, but didn't know how to fly yet. I wish I could have helped him. 

On top of Goose Eye


Straight down


  1. I know you don't know me but I want you to know I'm reading and enjoying it all. Waited up till way past my bedtime for a post last night! Keep your mail drops updated because I'm going to send you something! I hope you're not too discouraged with the weather - it certainly has been a strange summer for us Mainers. Keep up the great work - you are an inspiration!

    1. Nicole - Thank you so much for your interest in my hike! I'm sorry you waited so long for an update. It's up now! I'm pretty much dependent on what ever phone service I can get in the mountains, but it has been MUCH better lately. I'll look forward to something from you in the future. Hopefully the weather gets better soon. It's looking like a rough start to the Whites! Thank you again for the support! :)
