
Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 19: Stratton to Spaulding Mountain Lean-to

Today's Miles: 13.5
Total Miles: 201.7

Here I am, sitting in a lean-to, listening to the rain on the metal roof and the thunder rolling. I am so thankful for a roof over my head tonight as I'm sure it will be a very wet time for those staying in tents. 

Heading out from a day off in town will probably never be easy. I don't think I have enough appreciation for the slowly depreciating weight of my pack as the days pass and food is eaten. It can certainly be felt when I fill up for another 6 days on the trail. There were four noticeable climbs today, one starting straight out of town. I always feel a little like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz when I start up again - my joints all feel a little rusty and I need some oil (or hiking) to get them moving again. It wasvery  overcast this morning since we had an early 6:00 start. The top of North Crocker Mountain was covered in fog. It was a little eerie, but very neat to walk through. The summit wasn't really open, just a small opening among the trees, but it was too cloudy to have a view of anything anyway. There was a terribly difficult descent and ascent between the Crocker Mountain summits today - straight rock and very steep. I fell about 7 times on the way down. I thought I had moved past all that, but I just couldn't seem to avoid the slippery roots and rocks today. We were supposed to have a river ford of the Carrabassett River, but the water level was low enough so it could be rock hopped across. This was a little surprising to me considering the rain the last two nights, but I was still thankful for it. We stopped at the river for lunch. It was a pleasant spot for a break and a nice foot soak. MDot and I hiked together for most of the day. He's kind of become my trail dad. We usually joke about it along the way. It cleared up some as the day went on, and there were some remarkable views as I climbed Sugarloaf Mountain. We reached 200 miles today as well. It's amazing to think I've already made it this far. It looks like the rest of Maine might need some slowing down - there are so many tough climbs and long days of hiking ahead. 

Summit of North Crocker Mountain

Dead trees on the trail over Sugarloaf

Bronze plaque honoring the completion of the last section of the AT

200 Miles!

Thankful to be looking out at the rain instead of being stuck in it 


  1. Hi, The Maine Search and Rescue is searching for a missing hiker who was last seen on Monday, July 22 between Poplar Ridge lean-to and Spaulding Mountain lean-to. She is 66 years old and went by the trail name "inchworm". It is reported that a southbound female hiker called a motel in Stratton around 5 pm Wednesday, July 23 and left a message with an employee that she stayed with "inchworm" at the Spaulding Mountain Lean-To on Tuesday, July 23. Do you remember seeing her or staying with her in this Spaulding Mountain Lean-To? If you have information, can you call the officials at Public Safety Dispatch Center Augusta at (207) 624-7076 or 1-800-452-4664 (Maine only).Any information you might have could be key to finding her. Thanks much and good luck with your hike!

  2. Amy Peterson - Please contact the Maine Warden Service. 207-624-7076 - this is the Maine State Police dispatch and they will contact an investigator. Thanks. Warden Investigator Dugas.
