
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 7: Antlers Campsite to East Branch Lean-to

Today's Miles: 16.0
Total Miles: 67.8

16 miles, my biggest day yet by far! I felt like I had some miles to make up from the last few short days. I think I had the best night sleep yet last night, so I was really ready to go this morning. The first 12 miles were pretty easy. I finished the first 8 in about 3 hours, which are the fastest miles I've put in yet. It as really flat and the terrain was more forgiving than it has been recently. I had my first Trail Magic today! As I was crossing Jo-Mary Road, Phil Peppin was stopping to do a resupply. I had heard a lot about him from other thru-hikers that had used him to get to Baxter State Park. He gave me a Mountain Dew, and I chugged it down. I don't usually drink too much soda, but this was amazing! Maybe the caffeine helped me power through some of the miles a little bit quicker too. There was a 1400 elevation gain today, and the majority was in the last 4 miles. Today was another day for great views. The last 2 miles of the hike were...interesting? I fell in a muddy stream after slipping on a rock and bent my hiking pole pretty bad. I fell again shortly after while going down a hill. I blame this one on the bent pole (I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with me being so clumsy...). I fell for the third time crossing the river. I was trying to survey the best way to cross without having to ford, and the next thing I knew I was in the water. I just walked across at the point, shoes and all, since they were already soaked. The lean-to wasn't to much further, so it could have been worse. When I got there, Blue Skies was there. He had already started a fire, and I hoped to use it to try and dry off. It didn't last very long though because there wasn't any dry wood around to keep it going. The rest of the night continued to test my resolve. Both my lighter and my matches wouldn't work, so I no longer have any means to light my stove. Awesome. The water here is pretty brown, and there aren't really any clear springs or streams for a few miles. I'm hoping a good night's sleep will put me in a better mood. We have a pretty tough day going over White Cap Mountain, but we should have a pretty good view at the top if it's a clear day.

Old logging tools

My bent pole

Crawford Pond

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