Today's Miles: 11.2
Total Miles: 26.3
With such an excellent start to the day, I really had high hopes for the rest of it. I left camp around 10, a little late but I had a pretty restless night of sleep. Maybe it had something to do with the 20-something bug bites I had when I woke up. The first 3 miles flew by. I stopped at Hurd Brook lean-to for a snack and a small rest before continuing on. There was a small elevation gain shortly after and I started to feel the feet really start to ache again. At one point I passed a gentleman going the opposite way with a chainsaw. Now normally I would probably be a little more apprehensive about coming across this while hiking alone in the woods. He was actually part of the Maine Appalachian Trail Club and clearing some of the trees that had fallen across the trail. I guess that was enough to ease the tension of the whole situation. After this point, it became really hard to stop for a break because I was instantly swallowed by a swarm of mosquitoes and black flies. The last two miles were tough. There was a lot of mud, and it started to rain. When I could hear the thunder, I really started to book it. Something about practically holding two lightning rods in your hands puts a little pep back in the step. I was able to meet a few other thru hikers today. I leapfrogged with one couple, Goatman and Jubilee, a few times during today's stretch of trail. I've also learned a valuable lesson. First priority when getting to camp - look for a place to hang a bear bag. A bear bag is when you suspend your food from a tree branch to keep a bear from getting it. Ideally, they are supposed to be at least 15 feet from the ground and away from the tree. I couldn't find a good tree near my site, and it ended with me trying to hang it in the dark. It could possibly be the worst bear bagging ever. What a frustrating end to the night! It looks like tomorrow will be a long 12 miler. I'm tired, I'm cold, and I'm a little soggy so I'm going to bed!
Hurd Brook Lean-to |
View of Katahdin |
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