
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 89: Darlington Shelter to Boiling Springs

Today's Miles: 14.3
Total Miles: 1069.0

It rained and rained and rained today. I dreaded heading back out on the trail, but finally made it out of the shelter around 10:30. It was that soaking rain, the one where it doesn't matter how much wet weather gear you have on - you're going to get wet. The trail today was flat, so it made it go by fast. There were a lot of road crossings, and I was just waiting for that moment that a car would drive through that puddle that would result in me being even more soaked. Thankfully it didn't happen, but I don't know that I would have noticed a difference anyway. 

Fields, fields, and more fields with an occasional short walk in the woods. That's what the day primarily consisted of. I was able to find an AT information sign to hunker down under for lunch, but I didn't stop for long. It got cold fast, and the rain was falling harder. I made it to the road for Boiling Springs by 3:30 and headed to Allenberry Resort a half mile down the road. They offer an incredible deal on hiker rooms, and I couldn't resist. They have an amazing buffet, and I made sure to get my fill. One of the Captains is here for a few days, and the section hikers from last night are here too. Everyone had the same idea to get out of the rain. 

I had to consider how many times it was acceptable to return to the dessert table at the buffet tonight. I finally settled on just one trip but managed to fit three small pieces of pie and a sweet roll - that's acceptable, right? I think I did manage to draw a few strange looks from that plateful, honestly. 

 Flooded underpass

Something got a little hungry!

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little tempted to get one...

19th century cemetery 

I got to walk through a horse pasture. This was pretty cool. 

Drying out. 

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